Sunday, 30 December 2012

Holiday hobby part II

Hi fellow hobbyists, I hope your Christmas break has been a good one.
I've been a bit busy seeing family and bargain shopping with the wife, but if squeezed in a bit more work.
I've cleaned up and pinned the Van Saar gang I'm working on for Adam Smith and built a few Plasma and Flamer marines for my Space Wolves too.
My own Necromunda gang parts have arrived from Puppets War and Pig Iron, more on these soon.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Christmas hobby time

Hello again!
A very very long time no see,I've been rediculously busy renovating our new house for the past 5 months.
And our first little baby munky is due within the next few weeks, exciting and busy times.

Now the house is wrapped up for Xmas (lol) I've been able to organise my workspace once more.

I've been redoing my Space Wolves paint scheme, 5 months away has allowed me to see them in a new light, I'm taking the opportunity to add missing options and weapons to the units to round them out.

Two of my friends have been leaning on me to start commission work again, so I'm going to be working on a Dark Elf Blood Bowl team and a Necromunda Van Saar gang as well.