Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Space Wolves - Army painting challenge.

I have been trying to get my long standing Space Wolf army off the ground and I've been struggling in the past, but in January I joined the Heresy Online Army Painting Challenge and it has helped me enormously.

I had a browse through the Forge World Model Masterclass which has given me loads of tips and ideas to try out, I'm still a noob when it comes to weathering powders and such but I think it came out well.

I just have to decide what to do for March?


  1. noob, eh. It looks absolutely smashing. Brilliant stuff.

  2. I did similar to my SM Rhino awhile back, though without all the FW goodies. Mostly it turned out like the Rhino had driven through a scouring brush factory. Still it was fun and a challenge, I don't normally weather my models.

    - Tael.

  3. Your stuff is so awesome it doesn't need weathering man... :P
